6-Channel Servo Tester Using Arduino Nano

In this blog post, you will learn how to make your own servo tester step by step. This controller can test 6 servo motors independently. The overall cost of this Arduino project is around $5 if you make it on a breadboard or a zero PCB.

6 channel servo tester

Currently, I am working on a 3D-printed robotic arm that needs several servos. To control them, I needed a servo motor controller with at least 6 channels. While browsing Amazon, I found one with great reviews, but it was too costly.

So, I decided to build one myself using an Arduino Nano and some spare parts I had lying around.

Watch the video tutorial below:

Components Required

You need the following components to make this project

  • Arduino Nano
  • Potentiometer(10K ohm) X 6
  • Push button X 6
  • Servo motors
  • PCB(optional)

    Circuit Diagram

    Circuit diagram of servo tester
    Circuit diagram

    If you are using a Nano in your project, you need to make some changes to the circuit connections as given in the table below.

    Servo MotorD3,D5,D6,D9,D10,D11D3,D5,D6,D9,D10,D11
    Potentiometer(Wiper terminal)A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6A0, A1,A2,A3,A4,A5
    Potentiometer(one end)+5V+5V
    Potentiometer(other end)GNDGND
    Push button(one end)D2,D4,D7,D8,D12,A0D2,D4,D7,D8,D12,D13
    Push button(other end)GNDGND
    Circuit connections

    Note: The last button is connected to pin 13 on the Uno in Tinkercad, but in the actual circuit on the Nano, it will be connected to pin A0. Why? Because there is an issue with Nano’s pin 13 when you use it as a digital input with input pullup. If you are going to use UNO, there’s no need to make any changes. Just follow the circuit diagram.

    If you’re eager to try this circuit right now, you can just copy my design from here in Tinkercad and start right away. You can also simulate the circuit below, on this page itself.

    Servo controller circuit on a breadboard

    You can build this circuit on a breadboard as well. However, it can be a bit challenging if you are a beginner as there are many connections to be done.

    I built this on a breadboard for two servo motors(see the image below).

    Servo tester circuit on a breadboard- 2 channel
    Circuit on a breadboard

    PCB design

    Confident with the program and circuit, it was time to make it compact. For this, I designed the PCB in CircuitMaker. After finalizing the design, I ordered the PCBs from a local manufacturer.

    And in just 5 days, the parcel arrived at my doorstep. The PCB quality is decent: the silkscreen, solder mask, everything.

    PCB of the 6 channel servo controller

    How to use this Servo Tester?

    There are two modes to control each servo motor:

    1. “Manual/pot.” mode using the potentiometer, where based on its rotation the servo position changes.
    2. “Auto/0 degree” mode in which the servo resets to its original position when the push button is pressed, which is 0 degrees by the way.

    When the circuit is powered, the tester is by default set to manual/potentiometer mode. If you press the button, the servo motor resets to zero, making the potentiometer inactive. Press the button again, and manual mode is back in action.


    ***********************6 Channel Servo Motor Tester**************************
    * Created on: May 27, 2021
    * Author: Ankit Negi 
    * Youtube: www.youtube.com/theelectronicguy
    * Website: www.eTechnophiles.com
    /* When the circuit is powered, the servo is by default in manual/potentiometer mode. As soon
    as the button is pressed, the 'Auto/ 0 degrees' mode is set and nothing happens when the pot is rotated.
    On pressing the button again, the mode changes and now motor can be controlled using the pot*/
    /*Use this code while using Arduino Nano. For UNO, make the changes as explained in the circuit diagram section*/
    #include <Servo.h> // servo library
    Servo myservoA;
    Servo myservoB;  // create servo object to control a servo
    Servo myservoC;
    Servo myservoD;
    Servo myservoE;
    Servo myservoF;
    int potpinA = A1;
    int potpinB = A2;  // analog pins for potentiometers
    int potpinC = A3;
    int potpinD = A4;
    int potpinE = A5;
    int potpinF = A6;
    int valA;  // variable to read the value from the analog pin
    int valB;
    int valC;
    int valD;
    int valE;
    int valF;
    #define buttonA A0 // Pins connected to buttons
    #define buttonB 12
    #define buttonC 8
    #define buttonD 7
    #define buttonE 4
    #define buttonF 2
    bool button_stateA = false; // variable storing the current state of the button
    bool button_stateB = false;   
    bool button_stateC = false;
    bool button_stateD = false;
    bool button_stateE = false;
    bool button_stateF = false;
    void setup() {
      myservoA.attach(3);// pins connected to Servo motors
      int buttons[] = { A0, 12, 8, 7, 4, 2 }; // set input pullup on button pins
      for (int i : buttons) {
        pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
    void loop() {
      read_Button();// function to read current state of the button
      val_Read(); // function to read the analog pins/pots
      val_Map(); // function to map the analog input to servo position(0 to 180 degrees)
      test_Servo();// sets the servo position according to the mapped value
      delay(15);  // waits for the servo to get there
    void read_Button() {
      if (digitalRead(buttonA) == 0) {// if buttonA is pressed
        button_stateA = !button_stateA;// change the button state
      if (digitalRead(buttonB) == 0) {
        button_stateB = !button_stateB;
      if (digitalRead(buttonC) == 0) {
        button_stateC = !button_stateC;
      if (digitalRead(buttonD) == 0) {
        button_stateD = !button_stateD;
      if (digitalRead(buttonE) == 0) {
        button_stateE = !button_stateE;
      if (digitalRead(buttonF) == 0) {
        button_stateF = !button_stateF;
    void val_Read() {
      valA = analogRead(potpinA);
      valB = analogRead(potpinB);
      valC = analogRead(potpinC);
      valD = analogRead(potpinD);
      valE = analogRead(potpinE);
      valF = analogRead(potpinF);
    void val_Map() {
      valA = map(valA, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
      valB = map(valB, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
      valC = map(valC, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
      valD = map(valD, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
      valE = map(valE, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
      valF = map(valF, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
    void test_Servo() {
      switch (button_stateA) {
        case 0:// 0 means the button state is false 
          myservoA.write(valA);// if the button is false, pass the mapped value
        case 1:// 1 means the button state is True 
          myservoA.write(0);//if the button state is true, set the servo to 0 degrees
      switch (button_stateB) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
      switch (button_stateC) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
      switch (button_stateD) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
      switch (button_stateE) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
      switch (button_stateF) {
        case 0:
        case 1:

    The Arduino program for this servo tester is given below. Just copy the code and paste it into your IDE. You can also download the code from here.

    Code explanation

    Here’s a detailed explanation of the code for the 6-channel servo tester

    1. Including the Servo library

    #include <Servo.h> // servo library

    The code starts by including the Servo library, which is essential for controlling the servo motors. This library provides easy-to-use functions to control the position of standard hobby servo motors.

    2. Creating Servo objects

    Servo myservoA;
    Servo myservoB;
    Servo myservoC;
    Servo myservoD;
    Servo myservoE;
    Servo myservoF;

    Here, we create six servo objects (myservoA to myservoF) to control six different servo motors. Each object will be linked to a specific pin on the Arduino Nano, allowing us to send control signals to the corresponding servo.

    3. Defining Input pins for potentiometers and buttons

    int potpinA = A1; // analog pins for potentiometers
    int potpinF = A6;
    #define buttonA A0 // Pins connected to buttons
    #define buttonF 2

    This section defines the pins connected to the potentiometers (potpinA to potpinF) and the buttons (buttonA to buttonF). The potentiometers provide analog input to control the servo positions, while the buttons are used to switch between “Manual Mode” and “Auto Mode.”

    4. Defining variables for button states and potentiometer Values

    bool button_stateA = false; // variables storing the current state of the buttons
    int valF;  // variables to read the value from the analog pins

    We declare boolean variables (button_stateA to button_stateF) to store the current state of each button (pressed or not). We also define integer variables (valA to valF) to store the analog values read from the potentiometers.

    5. Setup() function

    void setup() {
      myservoA.attach(3); // pins connected to Servo motors
      int buttons[] = { A0, 12, 8, 7, 4, 2 }; // set input pullup on button pins
      for (int i : buttons) {
        pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
    • Servo Attachments: The attach() method links each servo object to a specific pin on the Arduino (3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11).
    • Input Pull-Up for Buttons: The code uses an array buttons[] to set the pins connected to the buttons as input with an internal pull-up resistor using pinMode(). The INPUT_PULLUP mode helps avoid floating pin states by ensuring a defined voltage level when the button is not pressed.

    6. The main loop

    void loop() {
      read_Button(); // function to read current state of the button
      val_Read();    // function to read the analog pins/pots
      val_Map();     // function to map the analog input to servo position (0 to 180 degrees)
      test_Servo();  // sets the servo position according to the mapped value
      delay(15);     // waits for the servo to get there

    The loop() function repeatedly calls four sub-functions:

    • read_Button(): Checks the state of each button and toggles its state if pressed.
    • val_Read(): Reads the analog values from the potentiometers.
    • val_Map(): Maps the potentiometer values (0-1023) to the servo range (0-180 degrees).
    • test_Servo(): Sets the servo positions based on the mapped values and button states.

    7. Reading button Sstates with read_Button() function

    void read_Button() {
      if (digitalRead(buttonA) == 0) { // if buttonA is pressed
        button_stateA = !button_stateA; // toggle the button state
    • This function reads the state of each button. If a button is pressed (digitalRead() == 0), it toggles its corresponding state variable(button_stateX).
    • A delay of 150 milliseconds is added to debounce the button presses, ensuring that a single press is registered only once.

    8. Reading potentiometer values with val_Read()

    void val_Read() {
      valA = analogRead(potpinA);
      valF = analogRead(potpinF);

    This function reads the analog values from each potentiometer and stores them in corresponding variables (valA to valF). These values range from 0 to 1023.

    9. Mapping potentiometer values with val_Map() function

    void val_Map() {
      valA = map(valA, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
      valF = map(valF, 0, 1023, 0, 180);
    • The map() function converts the raw potentiometer values (0-1023) to a range suitable for the servos (0-180 degrees). This is necessary because servos operate within a 0 to 180-degree range.

    10. Controlling servos with test_Servo() function

    void test_Servo() {
      switch (button_stateA) {
        case 0: // Manual Mode
          myservoA.write(valA); // set servo to potentiometer value
        case 1: // Auto Mode
          myservoA.write(0); // reset servo to 0 degrees
    • This function checks the state of each button and sets the servo position accordingly.
    • If the button state is 0 (Manual Mode), the servo position is set based on the potentiometer’s mapped value.
    • If the button state is 1 (Auto Mode), the servo is reset to the 0-degree position.

    Photo of author

    Ankit Negi

    I am an electrical engineer by profession who loves to tinker with electronic devices and gadgets and have been doing so for over six years now. During this period, I have made many projects and helped thousands of students through my blog and YouTube videos. I am active on Linkedin.

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