FQP30N06L Mosfet Pinout, Datasheet & Arduino project

Last updated on March 19th, 2024 at 12:46 pm

FQP30N06L is an N-channel enhancement mode power field effect transistor and is a logic-level Mosfet. This means it can turn ON fully by using the logic level(3.3V OR 5V) of a microcontroller.

This Mosfet is quite popular due to its low on-state resistance, superior switching performance, and its ability to withstand high energy pulse in the avalanche and commutation mode.

FQP30N06L Mosfet in TO-220 package
FQP30N06L Mosfet in TO-220 package

FQP30N06L Mosfet has voltage, current, and power dissipation ratings of 60 V, 32 A, and 79 watts respectively at 25 degrees Celsius room temperature. And has a low Drain to source resistance(RDS(ON)) of 0.035 ohms at a maximum Gate threshold voltage of 10 V.

You can use it in switch-mode power supply circuits, audio amplifiers, and for dc motor control using Arduino or a similar microcontroller.

This Mosfet is commonly used in low-voltage applications such as automotive, DC/DC converters, and high-efficiency switching for power management in portable and battery-operated products.

FQP30N06L Mosfet Pinout

Just like any other Mosfet, the FQP30N06L pinout has three pins: Gate, Drain, and Source respectively from left to right(flat side with the leads pointed downward).

FQP30N06L Transistor Pinout
FQP30N06L Pinout


Download the FQP30N06L datasheet from here.

Engineers and hobbyists can make use of the Absolute maximum ratings, thermal characteristics, switching characteristics, and their graphs to build accurate and robust circuits. All such details are given in the datasheet above.

Technical specifications

TypeN Channel
Drain-Source voltage60 V
Gate-Source voltage20 V
Gate Threshold voltage2.5 V
Drain current max.32 A
Max. Junction temperature175 °C
Max. RDS(ON)0.045 Ohm
Total Gate Charge15 nC
Max. power dissipation79 W
FQP30N06L Specs Table

FQP30N06L equivalent

Given below is the list of similar/Equivalent FQP30N06L Mosfets:

  • FQP10N60
  • FQP10N60C
  • FQP10N60CF
  • FQP11N40
  • FQP11N40C
  • FQP11N50CF
  • FQP10N20
  • FQP10N20C

How to use FQP30N06L with Arduino?

It is a logic level Mosfet, meaning it can turn ON fully(almost) by using the logic level(3.3V OR 5V) of a microcontroller.

RDS(on) characterstics of FQP30N06L Mosfet
RDS(on) characteristics of FQP30N06L Mosfet

The datasheet of FQP30N06L shows that it has RDS(ON) or Static drain-source On-Resistance of 0.045 ohms(max.) at VGS of 5V and drain current of 16 A. This simply means that if 5 V is applied at the Gate of this Mosfet, it can switch a load up to 16 Amps with a drain to source resistance of 0.035 ohms.

VGS vs ID graph of FQP30N06L Mosfet
VGS vs ID graph of FQP30N06L Mosfet

The VGS vs ID graph given in the datasheet shows that at Gate to source voltage of 3 V, the Mosfet conducts more than 10 A easily, and at 5 V Vgs it can conduct more than 30 A. So this mosfet can be connected directly to the output pin of Arduino to control the external load. Because digital pins of Arduino can output 5 V maximum.

But keep in mind that a load of 30A will cause a high drain to source resistance RDSon of the Mosfet. And the larger the value of RDS, the higher the (power) loss i.e, I2R loss.

DC motor speed control using FQP30N06L and Arduino :

In this example, a DC motor speed is controlled using this Mosfet with Arduino. You can use any other load like a lamp or solenoid in place of the motor.

A potentiometer is used to set the speed of the dc motor. Arduino takes analog input from the potentiometer and sets the voltage across the load according to it.

DC motor speed control circuit using FQP30N06L Mosfet with Arduino
FQP30N06L Mosfet with Arduino Circuit Diagram

To use it with Arduino follow these steps:

  • Connect the Arduino with the Mosfet using the required components as shown in the circuit diagram above
  • Load can be a Motor, a lamp, solenoid etc.
  • Gate of the Mosfet is connected to the Digital PWM pin 3 of the Arduino UNO here, you can connect it to any other PWM pin according to the Load PWM frequency OR switching frequency requirements.

To know more about Arduino PWM frequency change, read this article.

  • Upload the code given below to your Arduino board:
  DC Motor speed control using FQP30N06L with Arduino and potentiometer

int motorPin = 3;       // the pin that the motor is attached to
int pot = A0;     // potentiometer is connected to analog pin 0

void setup()  {
  // declare pin 3 and A0 to be an output and input respectively:
  pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pot, INPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600);          //  setup serial

int getPotValue() {
  int potAnValue = analogRead(pot);    // read the input pin
  int potPWMValue = map(potAnValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); // mapping to get 0 to 255
  if (potPWMValue < 102)// below PWM value 102(Vgs=2v) use PWM value 0 to avoid rough run
    potPWMValue = 0;
    potPWMValue = min(potPWMValue, 255);  // if above 255 somehow, use 255 max
  return potPWMValue;               

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop()  {
  // set the PWM value on pin 3 for motor speed control
  analogWrite(motorPin, getPotValue());
  // print out getPotValue to serial monitor
  // 20 ms delay (can add noticible delay if over 200ms)

Now, you should be able to control the load current using this Mosfet.

Physical dimensions

FQP30N06L is 3 cm in length and 1 cm wide.

FQP30N06L physical dimensions
FQP30N06L Mosfet package dimensions

Uses and applications:

  1. Switch mode power supply circuits,
  2. In audio amplifiers
  3. For DC motor control using Arduino or similar microcontroller.
  4. DC/DC converters
Photo of author

Ankit Negi

I am an electrical engineer by profession who loves to tinker with electronic devices and gadgets and have been doing so for over six years now. During this period, I have made many projects and helped thousands of students through my blog and YouTube videos. I am active on Linkedin.

4 thoughts on “FQP30N06L Mosfet Pinout, Datasheet & Arduino project”

  1. Thanks for sharing. Can I control negative loads like a bulb lamp connected to the negative side of a symmetric psu ? Thank you

    • Hi Brian,
      I went through the Arduino forum thread shared by you. I can certainly help you out there. But there are a couple of things I would like you to try first:
      1. First and foremost try the circuit given here, so that we can be sure about the MOSFET health. Double-check your circuit connections, maybe you are connecting the Mosfet pins incorrectly(check the pinout).
      2. You can power the Arduino independently(through USB), you don’t have to connect the battery to it. Just make sure that the Ground of all the devices is connected together. If you want to power the Arduino through Battery, then connect its +Ve terminal to the Vin pin of Arduino(not +5V, this can damage the board)
      3. Use the program given here. Even if you use an LED in place of the Motor(use a 1K ohm resistor), it will still work.

      Do get back to us, if you face any issues.


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